Wednesday, November 5, 2008

Change that has been tried before

I don't think Obama is going to be any worse then say Carter.

I am more worried about what congress will do.

They are the ones with most of the power now. Obama will do whatever they say and they have the check book. Two years ago everyone was saying that having a divided government was the only way to straighten things out... now in two years they are the most corrupt congress ever and will continue to be so without that pesky idiot in the White House slowing them down. Now they have bought the White House and will do with it as they please. They brought the banking and housing markets to their knees and are in the process of nationalizing them. Next will be the automobile manufacturing, Oil/Energy and then health care industry. Free enterprise built this country and sustained it for the last 230 years and may be in short supply in another 4.
Mean while we vote for more bread and circuses.

A deglobalization of trade (due to anti-NAFTA unions) coupled with inflation (due to inflating Minimum Wage and hyper low interest rates) added to extensive social obligations, price controls, unequal taxation and nationalization of businesses, all starts to sound a lot like the economic conditions that killed off the Roman Empire.

You would think people who study history would at least try to learn from it.
"Gee they tried this solution before and it didn't work in 300AD why do we think it will work today?"

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